

News 13 Dec 2017
“AzII Alumni” Public Union established at ASOIU

The constituent assembly of the “AzII Alumni” Public Union took place at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) on December 13. The event gathered around 50 alumni of ASOIU.

The Regulation of the “AzII Alumni” PU was adopted, and the members of the Management Board and Control-Inspection Commission were elected at the event. Then, AzII alumnus Nuran Huseynov was nominated to chair the Public Union. Nuran Huseynov was unanimously elected the chairman of the “AzII Alumni” Public Union.

Expressing his gratitude to attendees for their trust, Nuran Huseynov said he was proud to become the head of an organization which unites the alumni of a native university, looking forward to the “AzII Alumni” PU being successful in its activities and conducting important work on this path.
