

News 16 Dec 2017
III Alumni-Career Exhibition held at ASOIU

The III Alumni-Career Exhibition was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) on December 16. During the exhibition, 98 companies offered a total of 616 vacancies to ASOIU students and alumni. The exhibition, jointly organized with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan under the slogan “First step to career”, involved SOCAR, Azersu OJSC, Azerenergy OJSC, Azerishig OJSC, Sumgait Technologies Park, SOCAR Polymer and other state and private companies. Visited by nearly 2500 students and alumni, the event caused a keen interest of participants.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the exhibition, ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli noted that holding the Alumni-Career exhibitions at the university had turned into a tradition. Pointing to the significance of the exhibition for the university and students, M. Babanli viewed the extension of cooperation ties between the university and companies as the key factor for the development of both sides. Rector M. Babanli informed that the Alumni and Career Center has been functioning at ASOIU for two years now, which along with organizing the exhibition also regularly holds trainings related to issues that may be encountered by senior students while getting recruited. The Rector added that as the specializations instructed at the university are practically oriented engineering programs, the high-level organization of the activity with enterprises is one of the priority issues for the university. The Rector also noted that the university-enterprise format cooperation is one of the crucial factors for the training of professional staff, that meets the requirements of the developing Azerbaijani economy and industry. He said that ASOIU aims to transform into a university which corresponds to international standards.

Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Protection of Population Matin Karimli spoke about the importance of holding such exhibition at one of the most venerable higher education institutions of the country. The Deputy Minister said that there are all necessary material and technical opportunities in order to expand the activities in the sphere of youth, stressing that the only requirement is that educational establishments and students show interest in such programs.

Head of sector at the Department of Science, Higher and Secondary Specialized Education at the Ministry of Education Suraddin Gozalov noted the significance of the joint work of enterprises and universities in staff training. S. Gozalov also remarked that one of the primary terms, in order to strengthen the position of higher educational institutions in labor market, is enhancing the links between universities and business world – manufacturing enterprises.

Following the opening ceremony, ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Protection of Population Matin Karimli, representatives of the Ministry of Education and State Employment Service became acquainted with the company stands and discussed the available vacancies with company representatives. The exhibition lasted from 10:00 to 14:00. In the frames of the exhibition, the representatives of some companies held master classes for students and alumni at separate auditoriums of ASOIU.
