

News 20 Dec 2017
Rector of ASOIU makes a speech at the conference on “Labour Market: Reforms, Challenges and Perspectives”

The conference on “Labour Market: Reforms, Challenges and Perspectives” was held jointly by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication on December 20.

Opening the conference, Minister of Labour and Social Protection of Population Salim Muslumov brought to the attention important macroeconomic achievements of our country gained as a result of the successful socio-economic policy of President of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev. Talking about the processes in the labour market in the past period, the Minister stated that the challenges emerging in the field of employment in this context, as well as the challenge of bringing the able-bodied population into the labour market’s requirements, are topical. Chairman of the Committee on Labour and Social Policy of Milli Majlis Hadi Rajabli noted that the new challenges associated with the changes in the labour market require continuous improvement of the policy in this area and implementation of the vocational training, adding that the current conference is of great importance for the discussion of these issues. Executive Director of the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication Vusal Gasimli brought to the attention the innovative development of the economy, which has led to a change in the workforce demand in the labour market on the professional skills in this direction.

At the conference, ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli made a presentation on “Role of reforms in higher education institutions in human capital development”. Speaking about the role of higher education institutions in human capital development, Rector, Prof M. Babanli noted the responsibility of universities in this area.

Notably, the conference gathered the representatives of many international organizations and local companies, Ministry of Education, National Academy of Sciences and university rectors.
