

News 25 Dec 2017
ASOIU and Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Russia sign cooperation contract

On December 25 Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli met with Lyubov Zarubina, Head of Department of International Cooperation, and Pavel Maryandyshev, Director of High school of energy, oil and gas, associate professor at the Department of Power Engineering, Ph.D. at Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Russia.

Chairman of the Management Board of the “Azerbaijani Diaspora in Arkhangelsk oblast” Tarlan Gasimov, ASOIU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov and Vice-Rector for International Relations, Associate Professor Rafig Jamalov took part in the meeting. 

ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli informed the guests about the university’s history, training process, qualifications, relations with foreign universities and exchange programs. Rector M. Babanli said that along with oil and gas sector, the university also conducts the training of specialists in economics, energy, IT and other specializations. He then spoke about the “eazi START” Startup and Innovation Center, Center for Intellectual Property Management and laboratories.

Speaking about activities being carried out to enable ASOIU to operate not only as an educational institution but also as a large scientific center in the future, Rector M. Babanli gave information about the development of the material and technical base of laboratories, daily internship program, matching of graduate thesis topics with the requirements of industrial enterprises, etc. 

Expressing gratitude to Rector, Prof Mustafa Babanli for the warm welcome, Head of Department of International Cooperation at Northern (Arctic) Federal University talked about the university she represents. L. Zarubina said that Northern (Arctic) Federal University cooperates with many big companies, including the Azerbaijani companies. She also noted the importance of implementing projects with ASOIU.  

Director of High school of energy, oil and gas at Northern (Arctic) Federal University Pavel Maryandyshev informed the attendees about the division that he heads. He expressed confidence that the cooperation with ASOIU in the scientific field will greatly contribute to both sides. 

Chairman of the Management Board of the “Azerbaijani Diaspora in Arkhangelsk oblast” Tarlan Gasimov spoke about the activities of the Azerbaijani Diaspora in Arkhangelsk, saying that the cooperation between the two higher education institutions is of great importance.

At the end of the meeting, ASOIU and Northern (Arctic) Federal University signed a cooperation contract. The sides presented one another memory gifts.
