

News 25 Dec 2017
Film “Zirvədəkilər” dedicated to April battles demonstrated at ASOIU

The presentation of the film “Zirvədəkilər” dedicated to the April battles and made by “Support to the authors of pieces of culture and art” Public Union was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) on December 25.

Addressing the event, ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli spoke about the historical mission of the April battles. Rector, Professor M. Babanli recalled courage and patriotism displayed by the Azerbaijani youth during the April battles and recommended young people to mobilize for the sake of future success.

Executive Director of the Secretariat of the Council of State Support to NGOs under the Auspices of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Farasat Gurbanov shared his thoughts about the film and went on talking about the activities of NGOs for the recognition of national heroes and promotion of patriotism. Later, Rector, Professor M. Babanli was awarded a diploma for his attention in the protection of national interests.

Delivering a speech at the event, member of Parliament Elmira Akhundova spoke about the importance of inducing a feeling of patriotism in the youth and the historical significance of the April battles.

Chairman of “Support to the authors of pieces of culture and art” PU Rovshan Nasirov thanked the creative staff of the film and noted that the April battles take an important place in Azerbaijan’s battle history.

Later, ASOIU second-year postgraduate student Farid Sadiyev, who was a platoon leader in the April battles, spoke about his participation in the April battles and heroism shown by the youth.

The film “Zirvədəkilər” was shown at the end of the event.
