

News 29 Dec 2017
“Islamic Solidarity – Message to the World” project presented at ASOIU

The presentation of “Islamic Solidarity – Message to the World”, the project of “Young Innovators” Youth Awareness Public Union realized with financial support of the Youth Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) on December 29. Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations Sayavush Heydarov, ASOIU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev, students and NGO representatives took part in the presentation.

Opening the event, Deputy Chairman of “Young Innovators” Youth Awareness Public Union Bahruz Nazarov said the project “Islamic Solidarity – Message to the World”, held within the “Year of Islamic Solidarity” in Azerbaijan, was implemented with financial support of the Youth Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Deputy Chairman informed the attendees about the project of “Young Innovators” Youth Awareness Public Union “Islamic Solidarity – Message to the World” and added that a documentary film with the same title and a catalog-information booklet “The land of tolerance – Azerbaijan” were shot and prepared within the project.

ASOIU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev spoke about the significance of the “Year of Islamic Solidarity” in Azerbaijan, pointing at the importance of holding such events in higher education institutions. Vice-Rector A. Babayev said as the title already indicates, “Islamic Solidarity – Message to the World” project is an initiative to send a message to the world about the true essence of Islam. He noted that ASOIU is always ready to participate in such educational events.

Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations Sayavush Heydarov said Azerbaijan, one of the centers of Islamic civilizations since the ancient times, has become the center for inter-civilizational dialogue. He stated that the “Year of Islamic Solidarity” declared by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev was aimed at strengthening the unity in Muslim countries and introducing Islam to the whole world as being the religion of peace and tranquility. Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations informed about the religion-state relations in the Azerbaijani society, effective cooperation between different religious confessions. He invited the youth to be alert against the belligerent religious propaganda of some forces.

Participants then watched the documentary film “Islamic Solidarity – Message to the World”.

Following the presentation of the documentary film, Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations Sayavush Heydarov noted that the projects of non-governmental organizations dedicated to Islamic solidarity are of great significance. Then, he stressed the importance of demonstrating the documentary film “Islamic Solidarity – Message to the World” at other universities and secondary schools.

The attendees were then given the catalog-information booklets “The land of tolerance – Azerbaijan”.

At the end of the event, Deputy Chairman of “Young Innovators” Youth Awareness Public Union Bahruz Nazarov expressed gratitude to the Youth Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for support in the implementation of the project and congratulated everyone on the occasion of the upcoming World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day and New Year.
