

News 15 Jan 2018
ASOIU Public Reliance Council follows the examination process

On January 15 the Public Reliance Council of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) followed the course of the winter examination session at the university.

Chairman of the Public Reliance Council, member of Parliament Aydin Mirzazade, Council members, member of Parliament Hikmet Babaoglu, NGO and media representatives, Etibar Aliyev, Ilham Shaban, Anar Yusifoglu, Saadat Mammadova and others were in exam auditoriums. They became acquainted with the examination process, held an exchange of views with students and teachers on students’ preparation, conditions created for the examination and so on.

The Public Reliance Council was informed about the participation of up to 11 000 students and Master’s students in winter examination session of the 2017-2018 academic year, organization of the examination session in line with the existing rules, ensuring of transparency and objectivity in the evaluation of students’ knowledge and other issues. 79 groups took a written exam, and 44 groups a written and oral exam at ASOIU on January 15. 2100 students took part in written exams, while 1400 students in written and oral exams.

The Exam Monitoring Center created at ASOIU in order to ensure transparency of exams has started its activity for the first time from this semester. Representatives of the Public Reliance Council visited the Exam Monitoring Center and were informed about its possibilities.

In his interview with media about the examination process at ASOIU, Chairman of the Public Reliance Council, member of Parliament Aydin Mirzazade expressed contentment with the course of exams. He highly appreciated the reforms being conducted at ASOIU. Member of the Public Reliance Council, member of Parliament Hikmet Babaoglu, Editor-in-Chief of the “Yeni Azerbaijan” newspaper praised the conditions at ASOIU enabling the students to freely express their knowledge, adding that the written and oral exams are particularly significant in implementing a more effective evaluation.

Other members of the Public Reliance Council highly appreciating the organization of the examination process at ASOIU, welcomed the work accomplished at the university in terms of raising competitive staff for the labor market.  
