

News 17 Jan 2018
ASOIU and Knowledge Foundation hold a joint event dedicated to January 20 martyrs

On January 17 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) together with the Knowledge Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan held an event to inform the international students about the tragedy of January 20.

The event was attended by ASOIU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev, Head of the International Projects Sector at the Knowledge Foundation Rauf Hasanov, Head of the International Relations Department at the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations Nijat Mammadli and international students.  

ASOIU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor A. Babayev informed the international students about the struggle of the Azerbaijani people for independence and the tragedy of January 20.

Head of the International Relations Department at the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations N. Mammadli provided information for international students on the national freedom movement of the Azerbaijani people, the political situation of that period and the struggle of the people. He said that hundreds of innocent people, who stood to fight for the national freedom and territorial integrity, were killed as a result of gun violence on the day of January 20.

Head of the International Projects Sector at the Knowledge Foundation R. Hasanov spoke about the heroism of our young men and women, who lost their lives for the sake of their Motherland during January 20 events in 1990.

Notably, the event was organized to inform the international students of ASOIU about the tragedy of January 20.
