

News 23 Jan 2018
ASOIU Public Reliance Council observes the examination process at UFAZ

The Public Reliance Council of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) monitored the course of the examination at the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ) functioning under the university. The Public Reliance Council chaired by the member of Parliament Aydin Mirzazade visited UFAZ auditoriums before the exams. They became acquainted with the conditions created for the exams and learned the opinions of students.

Then, ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Chairman of the Public Reliance Council Aydin Mirzazade, UFAZ Executive Director Vazeh Asgarov, UFAZ Secretary General Charlotte Payen, Philippe Turek, professor at the University of Strasbourg currently in Azerbaijan to observe the examination process at UFAZ, members of the Public Reliance Council and media representatives gathered at the meeting hall to exchange views on the examination process at UFAZ.

UFAZ Executive Director Vazeh Asgarov informed the attendees about the fall-winter examination session, which kicked off at UFAZ on January 17. It was noted that UFAZ 284 students enrolled in the first and second years will sit their exams during the 2 weeks. All necessary conditions have been created to ensure transparency and objectivity of the examination session. The exams have been organized according to the rules of the University of Strasbourg. The exams last 2 weeks for the first-year students and 1 week for the second-year students instead of 5 weeks. Pursuant to the training program of the University of Strasbourg, the assessment at UFAZ comprises 3 stages throughout the semester, which is then completed with finals.

The exam questions have been drafted by a special group of subject teachers. Once the exam results have been checked, they will be submitted for final decision to the jury consisting of the experts of the University of Strasbourg, and the grades will then be announced to students.

According to the information, students had no technical problems in taking the examination process, neither they made any appeals during the last 5 days. The examination process is at its high-level pace.

Addressing the event, ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli informed the audience about the significance of establishing UFAZ and stressed that the project jointly implemented with the University of Strasbourg, one of the most influential universities in the world, will have a positive impact on the further improvement of education standards at ASOIU. Rector M. Babanli expressed gratitude to the members of ASOIU Public Reliance Council for observing the examination process at UFAZ. Member of Parliament, Chairman of the Public Reliance Council Aydin Mirzazade highly appreciating the conditions and advanced education standards at UFAZ, emphasized the importance of this project. The MP viewed the establishment of UFAZ in the background of industrial development in Azerbaijan as a vivid example of the Azerbaijani President’s farsightedness. He added that students should seize this opportunity effectively. Other members of the Public Reliance Council praised the conditions created at UFAZ for the education of students and described this project as an example of the state’s attention and care to the education of Azerbaijani youth. 
