

News 05 Feb 2018
Delegation of Bangladesh visits ASOIU

On February 5 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held a meeting with the official delegation of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and representatives of SOCAR-AQS. After Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli had greeted the guests, Vice-Rector for International Affairs, Associate Professor Rafig Jamalov delivered a video presentation on the history, honorary alumni, international cooperation, Bangladeshi students of the university and UFAZ.

ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli said 3 Bangladeshi students are currently enrolled in the university. Rector stressed the importance of increasing the number of Bangladeshi students, conducting student exchange between ASOIU and leading universities of Bangladesh, as well as developing the joint cooperation to expand education ties.

The meeting featured discussions on developing the cooperation, involving Bangladeshi students in ASOIU, as well as engaging ASOIU students in the realization of new projects between SOCAR-AQS and Bangladesh.

Memory gifts were granted at the end of the event. Then, the delegation visited ASOIU’s History museum and laboratories.
