

News 06 Feb 2018
“Safer Internet Day 2018” conference held at ASOIU

“Safer Internet Day” conference took place at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) on February 6 with the organizational support of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies and in joint organization of the E-Government Training and Education Center.  

The conference was attended by Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Deputy Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies Elmir Valizade, as well as representatives of state structures, experts from non-governmental organizations and specializing in information safety, academic staff members and students of ASOIU.

Opening the event, ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli noted the significance of holding such type of events. Saying that Internet has become an inseparable part of our life, Rector M. Babanli stressed that it gets reflected in all spheres. Rector, Prof Mustafa Babanli said the creation of an electronic university and e-library system at ASOIU is of great significance for the training and noted the importance of always maintaining the focus on Internet safety.

Deputy Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies Elmir Valizade spoke about the work being carried out by the Ministry for online information safety, security of personal data and staying safe from Internet attacks. Saying that Internet is now applied to all areas, E. Valizade noted that holding such events is vital in terms of ensuring Internet safety.

Dean of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Management, Associate Professor Samad Yusifov gave a speech informing the attendees about the faculty he represents. Stating that 2183 students currently major in 11 programs at the faculty, Associate Professor S. Yusifov hailed such events in the context of youth awareness.

Expressing his gratitude to organizers, Head of Computer Science Department of ASOIU, Associate Professor Ramiz Allahverdiyev spoke about Internet safety.  

Addressing the event, acting Director of the E-Government Training and Education Center under the authority of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies Rauf Jabbarov, Deputy Executive Director of the State Fund for Development of Information Technologies under the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies Azer Bayramov and Chairman of Azerbaijan Internet Society Galib Gurbanov made presentations on the importance of securing personal data online, influence of modern technologies on information safety and international trends.

At the second part of the event, representative of AzInTelecom company, information safety expert Rashad Aliyev delivered a speech on “Modern technologies in the field of information safety”, Sector Director of the Electronic Security Service under the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies Ellada Mustafayeva on “Status of safe Internet in our country”, trainer of the E-Government Training and Education Center, information safety expert at the International Bank of Azerbaijan Abdulla Abdullayev on “Specialist training in the field of information safety”, specialist of the Data Processing Center Rahib Aghababayev on “Information safety of citizens on e-government portal” and ASOIU students on “Internet information safety”.   

In conclusion, it was stressed that citizens, experts, private organizations and government must cooperate more closely and put efforts for the sake of safer Internet. In this regard, protection of online information safety of young people and children was declared a priority, and it was agreed to take necessary steps in this area throughout the year.

Notably, Safer Internet Day started as an initiative of the EU SafeBorders project in 2004 and is now celebrated in more than 130 countries around the globe. Safer Internet Day is celebrated annually on the second day of the second week of the second month. The project aims to develop cooperation ties of all sides representing the civil society, state and private organizations to provide a better and safer Internet.
