

News 16 Feb 2018
ASOIU holds conference “Gənclər XƏTDƏ”

On February 16 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held a conference “Gənclər XƏTDƏ” (Youth ONLINE) within the program “Xətdə” (Online) of the National Assembly of Youth Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan.  

At the beginning of the conference, Parvin Gasimov, Program Manager of the National Assembly of Youth Organizations, informed students about the organization he represents and pointed at the significance of the event.

Mugaddas Azizzade, Chairman of the ASOIU Student Youth Organization, said the university is planning to regularly hold such events jointly with the National Assembly of Youth Organizations and invited students to be more active.

Nilufar Hasanova, Head of the program “Gənclər XƏTDƏ” provided students with general information on the project.

The conference also featured speeches of professionals on digital marketing, social media and its impact on society, starting online-business in social media. Founder and Director of Magnito Digital Marketing company Teymur Mammadov spoke about “Digital marketing and its contribution to the life of young people in the modern era”, Volunteers Communication and Events Organization Specialist at Baku City Circuit Operations Company Shafiga Elshan about “Media Online”, Head of Digital Marketing Department at Teamsah Agency Laman Ratiani about “Society Online” and founder and Director of Business Talk and Edek Study Abroad Center Ayyub Huseynzade about “Education and Business Online”.

Notably, the project aims to provide young people with information that would expand online activity in today’s world and help some of them to determine their future path after having listened to the recommendations of successful speakers.
