

News 19 Feb 2018
Rector of ASOIU awarded medal of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation

On February 19 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held an event organized by the Trade Union Committee (TUC) of the university. The event was attended by ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Deputy Chairman of the Free Trade Union of Azerbaijan Education Workers (FTUAEW) Mirza Jafarzade, ASOIU TUC Chairman Mazahir Babayev and academic staff members of the university.

Addressing the event, TUC Chairman Mazahir Babayev spoke about reforms conducted and projects implemented at the university over the past years. Informing about the implementation of activities for the protection of staff’s labor, social, economic rights and other legal interests, Babayev pointed at the special role of Rector, Prof Mustafa Babanli in improvement of working conditions of professors and lecturers, research fellows, training support and general service staff, as well as in realization of successful university reforms in several areas.   

Mirza Jafarzade, Deputy Chairman of the Free Trade Union of Azerbaijan Education Workers (FTUAEW), which is a member organization of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), greeted the participants on behalf of Sattar Mehbaliyev, Chairman of the organization. Providing information on the activities of FTUAEW, Jafarzade said they have always attached great importance to cooperation with ASOIU. Jafarzade noted that he was pleased to receive information about the increase of education quality at ASOIU. He then presented a medal, established on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation to Rector Babanli for his services in this area.

Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli expressed gratitude for attention and stated that the award will motivate him to work with even more persistence. Rector Babanli said ASOIU staff members are unshakeable and connected to each other with tight values. He highlighted TUC’s great role in this work.
