

News 20 Feb 2018
Rector of ASOIU meets with students studying in English

On February 20 Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Professor Mustafa Babanli met with students studying in English.

Rector Babanli provided information on students’ examinations results, progress and quality indicators. Highlighting the benefits and objectives of the training in English, Professor Babanli said ASOIU as being the member of the European University Association is the only higher education institution in Azerbaijan that provides a training in English. Rector, Professor Babanli stressed the significance of raising the quality of this training and informed about work to be accomplished in this area. He noted that special measures will be taken to improve the training programs, involve English-speaking lecturers from foreign higher education institutions and define syllabi in similar specializations of foreign universities.  

Rector Babanli also spoke about projects planned to involve foreign specialists and consult with UFAZ local and foreign specialists in order to increase the English training, allocate additional credits to Technical English, include terminology, provide methodical assistance to training.

At the end, students received answers to their questions.
