

News 21 Feb 2018
ASOIU holds Ph.D. student seminar

On February 21 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held a seminar of Ph.D. students. The event was attended by Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli, academic staff members and Ph.D. students of the university.

Head of the Ph.D. Office, Doctor of Technical Sciences Latafat Gardashova greeted the attendees and provided general information on the seminar. Highlighting the importance of holding such seminars to discuss novelties in the field of Ph.D., Gardashova said the main purpose is to support research students in writing their dissertations from academic and technical aspects.

Then, Ph.D. students made presentations on different topics.

Rector, Prof Mustafa Babanli noted the significance of the event and emphasized that the seminar of Ph.D. students will be held regularly. Saying the university has all necessary conditions for research, Babanli informed that ASOIU is developing as a big center of science.

At the end, Head of the Ph.D. Office Latafat Gardashova wished Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli a happy birthday and success in his endeavors on behalf of all ASOIU research students.
