

News 23 Feb 2018
Representatives of “AzerGold” CJSC meet with ASOIU students

On February 23 representatives of “AzerGold” CJSC held a meeting with students of the Faculty of Geological Exploration at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Shahbaddin Musayev, Head of Geological Exploration Department at “AzerGold” CJSC, and Kanan Salayev, Head of Strategic Planning and Business Development Department, took part in the meeting.  

Delivering a widespread presentation featuring the activities of “AzerGold” CJSC, Shahbaddin Musayev informed students about the strategic significance of the company in the country. Kanan Salayev spoke about perspective indicators of precious and nonferrous metal deposits in the Republic and answered students’ questions.
