

News 01 Mar 2018
ASOIU marks World Civil Defence Day

On March 1 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held an event related to the World Civil Defence Day on “The role of civil defence and national organizations in the effective management of emergency situations”.

Opening the event, Chief of ASOIU Civil Defence headquarters Elshan Mammadov said the main purpose for holding such events is to learn mandatory evacuation rules during natural disasters, fire and accidents. Speaking about the history and significance of the World Civil Defence Day, Elshan Mammadov stressed that the event is celebrated in more than 50 countries around the globe.

Extending congratulations to event participants on the Civil Defence Day, ASOIU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev noted the significance of events concerning the civil defence and emphasized the necessity of educating the academic staff personnel and students on this topic.

Head of the Department of Industrial Safety and Labor Protection, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Sakit Rasulov said the country has been attaching particular attention to the civil defence over the past years. He added that Azerbaijan has been the member of the International Civil Defence Organization since 1993. 

A film on the Special Risk Rescue Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was shown at the end.
