

News 01 Mar 2018
ASOIU staff watches “Shah Qajar”

On February 28 the staff members of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) watched “Shah Qajar” spectacle at Azerbaijan State Academic National Drama Theatre. ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Vice-Rectors, academic and administrative staff members of the university were at the spectacle. Arousing great interest in the audience, the two-part historical piece “Shah Qajar” spectacle is based on the play “Despite all the rumors or Agha Mohammed Shah Qajar” by the writer and dramaturgist Ali Amirli. Author and scriptwriter of the two-part historical drama is the art director and head of the Academic National Drama Theatre Azer Pasha Nemat, its scientific consultant Chingiz Gajar, director Anar Sadigov, composer Siyavush Karimi, and lighting designer Rafael Hasanov.

Honored actors Abbas Gahramanov, Lalazar Mustafayeva, Sabir Mammadov, Anar Heybatov, Aslan Shirin, Kazim Abdullayev, Elshan Rustamov and Ayshad Mammadov took part in the spectacle.

Notably, the spectacle talks about the authority of the Iran governor of the 18th century Agha Mohammed Shah Qajar, political processes of those times, palace conflicts, as well as combat for the throne. The spectacle is based on tense dramatic scenes. At the spectacle, Qajar is described as a person who gets away from being historical, suffers in the whirl of his fate, searching for neverending questions. Qajar is not only shown to the audience as a malicious and cruel governor but also as a political figure who dedicates his activities to the brighter future of his people.
