

News 15 Mar 2018
Elsevier representative holds seminar at ASOIU

On March 15 Aliya Ospanova, Regional Director of Elsevier international scientific database for Central Asia and Azerbaijan, held a seminar for the professors and lecturers of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). 

Attending the seminar, Chairman of ASOIU Student Scientific Society (SSS), Associate Professor Yunis Gahramov stressed the importance of cooperating with international scientific databases in terms of introducing the activities of ASOIU scholars and their research results to the scientific community of the world. He said the university’s professors take accreditation exams each year, adding that publishing in international and high-ranking scientific journals has a great impact on the results.

Regional Director for Central Asia and Azerbaijan Ayla Ospanova stressed that Elsevier, which includes journals for various scientific fields, offers the most renowned and reliable information resources for effective research. She also provided information on ScienceDirect and other services of Elsevier, as well as on Scopus, the world’s largest citation database. Informing the audience about standards required for publishing in international scientific journals, the Director explained the ways of writing a successful paper.

Then the attendees received answers to their questions and were given certificates of attendance. 
