

News 05 Apr 2018
Lecturers and students of ASOIU SABAH groups take part in trainings in Prague

Lecturers and students of SABAH groups of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), as well as ASOIU academic and student staff took part in the international trainings at Prague Institute for Qualification Enhancement in Prague, the Czech Republic from March 22 to 25. Lecturers and students of SABAH groups from one more Azerbaijani university participated in the trainings together with ASOIU. Students were trained on “Academic Writing” and teachers on “Publication activity in EU countries: New trends and innovations in publications in Scopus and BoC journals”.

In total, 8 lecturers and 21 students participated in the trainings. At the end of the trainings, ASOIU and Prague Institute for Qualification Enhancement signed a Memorandum, and teachers and students were awarded certificates.

Within the program, participants visited Dresden (Germany) and Vienna (Austria) and familiarized themselves with the historical and cultural monuments of these cities.
