

News 11 Apr 2018
Monitoring group of ASOIU faculty staff is observing presidential election

April 11 is the day of presidential election in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The academic staff of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) consisting of 30 people is observing the presidential elections at the polling stations No. 2, 3 and 4 of Nasimi second constituency No. 22. Tamilla Naibova, Chairperson of ASOIU YAP first party organization, says turnout is quite high at their polling station: “Turnout at the polling station is very high. Although we still have several hours left until the end of voting, the vast majority of voters registered at our polling station have already voted. There are also representatives of foreign countries who monitor the voting process together with us.”

It is noteworthy that 5426 permanent and 215 temporary polling stations in 125 constituencies are operating in the republic today. The election is monitored by 894 international observers (61 organizations, 59 countries) and 58 175 local observers.

Voting in presidential elections began at 08:00 and will end at 19:00. There are 5 309 434 people who have a right to vote in the election.
