

News 16 Apr 2018
ASOIU to host semi-annual meeting of International Association of University Presidents

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University will host the semi-annual meeting of the International Association of University Presidents (IAUP), which will take place in Baku on April 19-20. Up to 60 rectors and other esteemed guests from some 20 countries, including Russia, the USA, Iran, Georgia, India, Poland, China, France, Mexico, Austria, Denmark, Ukraine and other countries, will start arriving in Azerbaijan from April 17 to attend the Conference titled “Globalization and New Dimensions in Higher Education”.

After the guests have paid a visit to the grave of the national leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the Alley of Honor and to the Martyrs’ Lane on April 19, the Conference will kick off. Following the opening speech of the ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, IAUP President Kakha Shengelia, acting Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Jeyhun Bayramov, Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Mikheil Chkhenkeli will deliver welcome speeches in front of the Conference participants.

The two-day Conference will encompass the following topics:

- Modern approach to knowledge transfer: interdisciplinary studies and entrepreneurial thinking;

- Social responsibility and knowledge transfer. University-business cooperation;

- Equality in Higher education: more opportunities less possibilities.

Some of the speakers of the Conference will be Executive Director at Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Elchin Babayev, Vice-President at Louis Pasteur University (France) Prof. Philippe Turek, Associate Professor at Lehigh University (Pennsylvania, USA), Prof. Dr. Jill Sperandio, BP Vice President for Communications, External Affairs, Strategy & Region Bakhtiyar Aslanbayli, Vice Rector of External, Government and Student Affairs at ADA University, Dr. Fariz Ismailzade, Education Project Manager at Microsoft Azerbaijan Emin Akhundov, Executive Director of Junior Achievement Azerbaijan Dr. Sevinc Amirova-Mammadova, Head of DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Baku Information Centre Stefanie Dufaux and others.

The International Association of University Presidents (IAUP) is an international association of university chief executives from higher education institutions around the world. IAUP was founded in 1965. Membership is limited to those individuals who serve as presidents, rectors or vice-chancellors at regionally accredited colleges or universities.

It is a non-governmental organization holding consultation rights at the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
