

News 18 Apr 2018
ASOIU Fundamental library organizes next book exhibition

On April 18 Fundamental library of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) organized its next book exhibition. Books and journals, featured at the exhibition in Azerbaijani, Russian and English, cover the technical, socio-political and artistic areas. Notably, the books are available for readers on open shelves in the reading hall of the library.

1. Babanli M.B., Salimov Z.E., Ismayilova K.H. – study guide for laboratory works on “Materials physics” (2018).

2. Gardashova L.A., Salimov V.H. – study guide for laboratory works on “Modern engineering mathematics” (2014).

3. Mustafayeva A.Y. – textbook “Formation and application of composition materials from polymers” (2018).

4. Mammadova J.P., Nasirov Sh.N. – textbook “Modes of operation and exploitation of thermal power plants” (2018).

5. Mustafayev S.D. – “Exploitation of wells by deep sucker-rod pump method” (2010).

6. Ibrahimov I.Kh., Suleymanov T.S. – statics, kinematics textbook “Exemplary solution methodology of theoretical mechanics issues” (2018).

7. Alakbarov U. – textbook “Sustainable development and basics of environmental civilization management” (2017).

8. Hasanov A.N., Mehdiyev J.A., Huseynov E.A., Maharramov R.B., Babayev Z.A., Yadigarov F.M. – textbook “Taxation administration” (2017).
