

News 19 Apr 2018
IAUP Baku 2018 semi-annual meeting continues

The two-day Conference of the International Association of University Presidents (IAUP) titled “Globalization and New Dimensions in Higher Education”, which kicked off on April 19 in Baku, continues.

Addressing the Conference, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France to Azerbaijan Aurelia Bouchez expressed contentment with attending the event. Bouchez viewed Azerbaijan as a reliable partner in the field of education and spoke about the areas of cooperation between the two countries in higher education and the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ), which operates under Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). Mrs. Ambassador described UFAZ as a unique project in the field of higher education of the two countries, stressing that there are close ties between ASOIU from the Azerbaijani side and the Universities of Strasbourg and Rennes 1 from the French side.  

The Conference then continued with panel discussions. Philippe Turek, Deputy Vice-President for International Relations at the University of Strasbourg, provided the participants with comprehensive information on the university he represents. Saying that UFAZ is a unique project that has particular importance in the field of education of the two countries, Turek spoke about the goals and prospects of the university. Anar Rzayev, Director of the School of International Economics at the University of Economics (UNEC), talked about the level of education at the university he represents, naming the necessary rules to increase and improve the quality of education in general. He emphasized that assimilating team working habits to students will significantly help them gain success in their future professional activity. Emin Akhundov, Education Project Manager at Microsoft Azerbaijan, Gulmammad Mammadov, Assistant Professor from ADA University, shared their views on innovations and necessary measures in improving the quality of higher education.  

The first day of the Conference was followed by a Networking Café that featured education offers and achievements of universities functioning in Azerbaijan.

The Conference will continue on April 20.
