

News 27 Apr 2018
Meeting of Academic Board held at ASOIU

The next meeting of the Academic Board was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) on April 27. ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli briefed the Board members about the issues on the agenda.

Chair of the Student Scientific Society, Associate Professor Yunis Gahramanli made a report on the activities of the Society. Vice-Rector for International Relations, Associate Professor Rafig Jamalov informed about the condition of international relations of ASOIU. Head of the Academic Services Office, Associate Professor Latifa Mammadova made a yearly report at the meeting of the Academic Board. Then dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Associate Professor Ilham Rustamov presented the yearly report of the Faculty.

The meeting also featured discussions on the approval of thesis topics of Master’s and Ph.D. students, grant project of the Science Center, approval of the Regulation on the credit system (Ph.D.), establishment of the scholarship named after Academician Akif Alizade and other issues.
