

News 02 May 2018
Practical internship of ASOIU students continues

A group of academic staff members of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) visited the Baku Steel Company on May 2. Dean of the Faculty of Oil Mechanical Engineering, Associate Professor Ali Hikmat Ahmadov, Head of the Department of Mechanics, Professor Alasgar Aliyev, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Oil Mechanical Engineering Tahir Suleymanov and Head of the Practical Internship Division under ASOIU’s Public Relations and Marketing Department Shahin Goyushov attended the meeting.

ASOIU delegation held meetings with several high-level representatives of the Baku Steel Company and received information about the working principle and products of the company. Observing the internship process of students, academic staff members familiarized themselves with the conditions created by the company for the interning students.

The company then held a meeting with interning students. Associate Professor Ali Hikmat Ahmadov said ASOIU always tends to train specialists in line with modern requirements of the labor market and spoke about the reforms realized at the university in this area. Ahmadov stressed the importance of applying the gained theoretical knowledge in practice and noted the advantages of the daily internship program, project of the university. The meeting also featured discussions on matching the graduate topics to the manufacturing enterprise, safety regulations, and other issues. In the end, students received answers to their questions.
