

News 04 May 2018
ASOIU organizes next lecture within “visiting professor” project

On May 4, the Faculty of Oil Mechanical Engineering of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held the next lecture within the framework of the project “visiting professor”.

At the event organized at the Department of Mechanics, Chair of the Institute of Machine-building Technology SOJSC, honored engineer, candidate of economic sciences Elman Aliyev delivered a lecture on “Destruction of machines and structures” to students studying Mechanical Engineering.

Notably, earlier, Chairman of Board at “Neftgazmash” OJSC Vahid Hajiyev and Deputy Director Nizami Temrazov, Head of the Technical Production Office at ”Baku Oil Drilling Equipment” OJSC Adil Nabiyev, Head of Department at the Azerbaijan State Scientific-Research Institute of Labour Protection and Safety Engineering within the State Agency for Safe Working in Industry and Mountain-Mine Control of MES Movsum Shahnazov, Deputy Head of Electric steel casting workshop at “Baku Steel Company” OJSC Aydin Bayramov were involved in the same project at the faculty.  
