

News 14 May 2018
Relations expand between ASOIU and universities of Kazakhstan

On May 14, Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli met with Rector of Caspian State University of Technologies and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenov, Candidate of Technical Sciences Berik Ahmadov.

Expressing satisfaction with seeing the guests at the university, Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli provided comprehensive information on ASOIU’s history, international relations, training process, academic activities, foreign students, and the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ). Rector Babanli said ASOIU attaches particular importance to expansion of ties with foreign universities, stressing that a number of activities have been implemented in the field of student and teacher exchange. Rector Babanli spoke about the reforms being recently conducted at the university and highlighted that five programs of ASOIU have been accredited by FIBAA for five years, as being in line with European Standards.

Berik Ahmadov, Rector of Caspian State University of Technologies and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenov, said he was pleased to be at the university and gave information about the institutions he heads. Berik Ahmadov underlined that he attaches particular importance to the cooperation with ASOIU, expressing confidence that they will develop the relations in the mobility of teachers and students, scientific field and other areas.

In conclusion, the sides signed a cooperation contract, and the guests were presented with memorable gifts.
