

News 17 May 2018
First meeting of ActInSpace contest held at UFAZ

On May 16, the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ) under Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held the first introductory meeting of the international contest ActInSpace to be held on May 25 and 26.

The event was attended by contest organizers, experts from IT, Finance and other sectors of Baku, business trainers, as well as teams and students from other universities interested in the contest. Opening the event, UFAZ Secretary General Charlotte Payen pointed at the importance of the international contest. She brought to the attention that UFAZ will be the host of the contest, which will take place in Azerbaijan for the first time. A video footage about the contest was later demonstrated.

Mammad Karim, co-founder of Khazar Ventures company and one of the contest experts, provided extensive information on ActInSpace contest, spoke about the startup projects of UFAZ students, saying that they take an active part in the contest. He also underlined the significance of the contest in supporting the ideas of young people, forming an innovative environment important for the development of high technologies and supporting the establishment of innovative entrepreneurship.

In conclusion, students received answers to their questions.

Notably, on May 25 and 26, UFAZ will host ActInSpace, the top international competition devoted to aerospace applications and organized directly by CNES, ESA, and ESA BIC Sud France. Over 100 students from various universities of Azerbaijan have already registered for this unique contest. The winning team will be sent to Toulouse (France) to represent Azerbaijan in the international final on June 27. The objective of the competition is to inspire those interested in aerospace and other citizens to meet challenges based on patents, software, data or space infrastructures, to foster entrepreneurship and build connections. 
