

News 23 May 2018
ASOIU marks 100th anniversary of establishment of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic

On May 23, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held an event on “Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (ADR) is the first Democratic Republic in the East”.

The event was attended by Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli, historian, researcher and scientist Firdovsiyya Ahmadova, MP Aydin Mirzazade, General Director of Ses Media Group Bahruz Guliyev, member of YAP political council, Editor-in-Chief of Iki Sahil newspaper Vugar Rahimzade, as well as faculty staff and students of the university.

After the national anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan, it was informed that pursuant to Ilham Aliyev’s order dated May 16, 2017, the university has drafted a plan of events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of ADR. Lectures have been delivered to different groups, and meetings of students have been held with prominent state figures and researchers regarding the Democratic Republic.

Rector of ASOIU, Professor Babanli spoke about the establishment of ADR and its contributions to further development of our country. Rector Babanli said many initiatives were made during ADR, and independent Azerbaijan is a successor of ADR as a legal state. He stressed great leader Heydar Aliyev’s role in preserving and strengthening further the independence after the restoration of the state sovereignty by Azerbaijan in the late 20th century. Rector Babanli described education as one the important factors for preserving the independence and noted that ASOIU’s goal is to deliver high-quality education meeting the requirements of the developing Azerbaijani economy and industry.

Historian, researcher and scientist Firdovsiyya Ahmadova spoke about the creation of ADR, the brightest page of the glorious history of the people of Azerbaijan, and political situations of that time. The speaker informed that ADR was declared in Tbilisi, and Baku was then liberated. She described the international recognition of Azerbaijan’s independence in 1920 as one of the greatest achievements of ADR.

Member of Parliament Aydin Mirzazade said it is especially remarkable to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Democratic Republic at a technical institution. Linking regaining of independence by the Azerbaijani people in the 20th century to their historical independent thinking, MP emphasized that despite existing for only 23 months, ADR was able to demonstrate to the whole world that the people of Azerbaijan are capable of creating an independent state.

General Director of Ses Media Group Bahruz Guliyev highlighted the great role of intelligentsia in the establishment of ADR and spoke about the revolutionary changes that the young state achieved within 23 months. The speaker noted that state attributes - army, Parliament were formed, and many initiatives were made within a short period of time, adding that 50 out of 100 years passed since the establishment of ADR is connected with great leader Heydar Aliyev.

Editor-in-Chief of Iki Sahil newspaper Vugar Rahimzade viewed the establishment of ADR as a historical achievement and brought to attention that many important works were done at that time. He noted that the Republic of Azerbaijan, that restored independence in 1991, could only preserve and strengthen it thanks to the determination of great leader Heydar Aliyev. He stressed that each citizen of Azerbaijan must be with the state and support the works implemented by the President.
