

News 24 May 2018
ASOIU student wins international cubing competition

The second international cubing competition of the northern region dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was held in Balakan on May 21. At “Balakan 2018” competition organized by the World Cube Association, participants competed in several categories.

At “Balakan 2018” competition joined by 24 participants, Javid Nabizade, a first-year student of the Faculty of Chemical Technology at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), performed successfully and became the winner in 7 categories. He also set a national record in 11 categories.

At the end of the competition, winners were awarded certificates and different prizes by the World Cube Association.

Notably, competitions of the World Cube Association in Azerbaijan are held by Azerbaijan Cube Association (ACA). ACA was established on April 11, 2015 and aims at helping youth to improve their mind alongside entertainment.
