

News 24 May 2018
ASOIU marks 135th jubilee of prominent playwright Huseyn Javid

On May 24, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held an event dedicated to the 135th anniversary of the prominent playwright Huseyn Javid.

The event was attended by Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev, Head of the Department of Azerbaijani Language, Associate Professor Adalat Abbasov, as well as students from ASOIU and Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University.

Associate Professor Ata Babayev informed that the event was organized pursuant to the Order of President Ilham Aliyev “On marking the 135th anniversary of the prominent Azerbaijani poet and playwright Huseyn Javid”. He noted that Huseyn Javid, who has left ever-lasting traces in the memory of our people, is one of the greatest faces of the Azerbaijani literature. Associate Professor Ata Babayev said that bringing the playwright’s body back to Azerbaijan and burying in his homeland Nakhchivan in 1982 on the initiative of great leader Heydar Aliyev is a remarkable event for our literature, culture, and people.

Head of the Department of Azerbaijani Language, Associate Professor Adalat Abbasov described the prominent poet and playwright Huseyn Javid as one of the founders of the romanticist literature school in our poetry and dramaturgy, as an art figure who has played a key role in the development of the national theatre. Associate Professor Abbasov said that pieces of Huseyn Javid, founder of poetical drama, that determined the esthetic taste of many generations of readers and spectators during his activities which only lasted around 30 years, continue to preserve their high impact power.

Then students made speeches dedicated to the life and work of the outstanding playwright and read some of his poems.
