

News 26 May 2018
International ActInSpace contest kicks off at UFAZ

The international ActInSpace contest kicked off at the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ) under Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) on May 25.

105 students from 6 higher education institutions of Baku participated in the 24-hour hackathon which started concurrently in 40 countries on all five continents. At the opening of the contest held in Baku by UFAZ, Secretary General Charlotte Payen provided the participating teams with instructions about the terms of the competition and rules. The contest started following the opening. Each participating team began to exchange ideas and prepare presentations on the startup ideas they were given.

Notably, the international contest devoted to aerospace applications will finish on May 26. Overall 24 teams from various universities of Baku are participating in this unique competition. The winning team will be sent to Toulouse (France) to represent Azerbaijan in the international final on June 27.  
