

News 28 May 2018
ASOIU staff members take part in international conference on Mathematical Physics

Head of ASOIU’s Department of General and Applied Mathematics, Ph.D. in Mathematics, Professor Araz Aliyev and Associate Professor Elnur Khalilov took part in the international conference “Operators, Functions, and Systems of Mathematical Physics Conference” held at Khazar University on May 21-24. At the same time, Professor Araz Aliyev was one of the six members of the International Organization Committee from Azerbaijan. 

Held on the organizational support of the Department of Mathematics of Khazar University, under leadership of the International Organization Committee consisting of the delegates from Azerbaijan, Russia, Georgia, Turkey, Ukraine, the USA, Sweden and the United Arab Emirates, the conference covered the following subjects: General operators and spectral theory; Analysis of partial differential equations of Mathematical Physics; Bases, frames and approximants in problems of Mathematical Physics; Spectral theory of differential operators; Classical and quantum integrable models; String and quantum field theory; Special functions; Scattering theory; Inverse problems.

The conference was attended by some 70 well-known scholars, leading specialists and researchers from Azerbaijan, Turkey, Iran, Russia, Georgia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Germany, France, Spain, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Austria, the USA, Italy, England, the United Arab Emirates and Sweden.

The conference continued its work in 4 sections within 4 days. About 70 reports were delivered and discussions were held. ASOIU staff members - Professor Araz Aliyev and Associate Professor Elnur Khalilov - made interesting reports at the plenary session and at the section “Complex and functional analysis methods in Mathematical Physics” respectively.

A special session dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Professor Hamlet Isakhanli (Isayev), the founder of Khazar University and Chairman of its Board of Directors and Trustees, was held on May 22. At the closing ceremony of the conference on May 24, it was underlined that it was effective and enabled scholars to get familiar with new research findings. It was also stressed that there is a need to hold such conferences as frequently as possible.
