

News 31 May 2018
ASOIU Rector meets with UFAZ teaching staff who will undergo traineeship at University of Strasbourg

On May 30, Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli met with the teaching staff of the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ), who will undergo a traineeship at the University of Strasbourg within the Erasmus exchange program.

Rector, Professor Babanli brought to attention that there is a successful project like UFAZ standing against the backdrop of the cooperation between Azerbaijan and France, as well as spoke about the work accomplished at UFAZ within two years and new projects. He stressed the importance of increasing the quality of education, improving the material and technical base and developing the level of training of teachers. Pointing at the particular significance of exchange programs in this field, Rector Babanli talked about the areas, which should be in the focus of attention of teachers at the University of Strasbourg.

At the end of the meeting, UFAZ teachers received answers to their questions.

Notably, 12 representatives of UFAZ teaching staff will participate in the mobility of experiences as part of the Erasmus exchange program from June 3 to 9 at the University of Strasbourg.
