

News 04 Jun 2018
Meeting with delegation of China University of Petroleum held at ASOIU

On June 4, Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli met with the delegation headed by Vice-Rector of China University of Petroleum, Professor Dong Zhao Xia. The meeting was attended by Vice-Rector for International Affairs, Associate Professor Rafig Jamalov and Head of International Cooperation Office Jamila Ismayilzada.

Expressing satisfaction with welcoming the guests at the university, Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli gave brief information about ASOIU’s history, training process, programs, international relations, foreign students. Rector Babanli brought to attention that alongside oil and gas sector, the university carries out staff training in economics, energy, information technology and other fields of study. He also spoke about the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ) functioning on the basis of ASOIU. Rector Mustafa Babanli highlighted that ASOIU has very close ties with Chinese universities and stressed that they could cooperate with China University of Petroleum for student-teacher exchange, elaboration of joint scientific projects and in other areas.

Vice-Rector of China University of Petroleum, Professor Dong Zhao Xia thanked Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli for the warm welcome and spoke about the university he represents. Dong Zhao Xia said China University of Petroleum is eager to cooperate with ASOIU.

The meeting also featured discussions on signing a cooperation agreement between ASOIU and China University of Petroleum. At the end of the event, guests were presented with memorable gifts.
