

News 08 Jun 2018
Projects of ASOIU startup center presented at international conference

On June 5, Heydar Aliyev Center, Baku hosted an international conference “Support of Intellectual Property to the Economy of Knowledge and Innovations” co-organized by the Intellectual Property Agency, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the Eurasian Patent Organization. The event was attended by state and government officials, MPs, university rectors, leaders and representatives of international organizations, representatives of science and education. The main purposes of the event are to raise the level of protection of intellectual property rights and benefit from the experience of other countries in creating a modern legal framework and mechanisms which will allow it to function.

The conference participants got acquainted with startup projects created by universities and with the exhibition that reflected their achievements. 21 startup projects were demonstrated at the exhibition, 16 of which were represented by seven local universities, two by private companies and three by the High Technologies Park of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. Among them was Smart keyboard, a device developed by the “eazi START” Startup and Innovation Center of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University which creates convenience for people using multiple alphabets on the computer.

The conference continued in panels and sessions and included presentations on various topics, as well as reports of experts from foreign countries.
