

News 13 Jun 2018
ASOIU Public Reliance Council observes examination process

On June 13, the Public Reliance Council of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) observed the summer examination session at the university.

Members of the Public Reliance Council, MP Hikmet Babaoglu, Chairman of the Citizens’ Labor Rights Protection League, lawyer Sahib Mammadov, Director of the Oil Research Center Ilham Shaban and others entered exam halls. They became acquainted with the examination process, held an exchange of views on students’ level of preparation, conditions created for the exams.

The Public Reliance Council was informed about the participation of up to 11 000 Bachelor’s and Master’s students in the summer examination session of the academic year 2017-2018, organization of exams in line with current regulations, provision of transparency and fairness in the evaluation of students’ knowledge and other important points. On the same day, 38 groups took a written exam, and 45 groups took a written and oral exam. 1026 students sat written exams, while 1215 students sat written and oral exams.

Members of the Public Reliance Council then visited the Exam Monitoring Center, which was created in order to ensure transparency of exams at ASOIU, and became acquainted with the examination process.

Later ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli provided the Council members with information on the summer examination session and the organization of the examination process. Rector, Professor Babanli also stressed that they allocated spaces for oral exams and will start teaching Academic writing in Master’s degree.  

Council members shared their views on the level of organization of the exams, praised the transparent training environment at the university, the conditions created to allow students to freely express their knowledge and highly appraised this observation process.
