

News 27 Jun 2018
Graduation Day held at ASOIU

Graduation Day was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) on June 27. The ceremony was attended by Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Head of Nasimi District Executive Power Asif Asgarov, Chairman of the Public Reliance Council, MP Aydin Mirzazade, members of the Public Reliance Council, as well as academic staff and students of the university.

The event commenced with the national anthem. Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli congratulated the graduates on this very remarkable day and wished them success in their future endeavors. Rector Babanli said that this year, there are 1511 Bachelor’s and 515 Master’s graduates. He added that in the academic year 2017-2018, 87 Bachelor’s and 245 Master’s students completed their studies with distinction. Rector Babanli stressed that President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev always attaches attention and care to education, including higher education, in the country and expressed confidence that ASOIU graduates will further contribute to the development of economy and industry in the republic.  

Asif Asgarov, Head of Nasimi District Executive Power, congratulated the students on the Graduation Day and wished them luck in their future life. Asgarov said that ASOIU is one of the oldest higher education institutions in Azerbaijan and informed that the graduates of this university achieved great success in various sectors. Asgarov noted that at present, Azerbaijan made great achievements in all areas and pointed out the indispensable role of President Ilham Aliyev on this path.

MP Aydin Mirzazade congratulated the graduates and advised them to worthily represent the name of the university in the future. Mirzazade highlighted that national leader Heydar Aliyev always attached particular importance to the development of education and emphasized that President Ilham Aliyev successfully continues this policy.    

Speaking on behalf of numerous guests attending ASOIU’s Graduation Day, Head of SOCAR’s Gas Export Department, Chairman of the State Attestation Commission on Oil and Gas Equipment Engineering Gaghamali Seyfullayev noted that the level of graduates’ diploma theses has significantly risen. He added that serious progress has been achieved in matching the quality of education at ASOIU to the industry needs. Saying several ASOIU students have been recruited by SOCAR, he wished the graduates success in their future activities.           

Then the names of the distinguished graduates were engraved into the symbolic log. They were also presented with ASOIU’s memorable gifts.

The event wrapped up with a concert.
