

News 09 Jul 2018
Influential Russian magazine publishes article about ASOIU

An article “Economic successes of democracy” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic has been published on the June issue of Russia’s influential federal magazine “Delovaya Rossiya”. The article is about marking the centennial of the Democratic Republic in Azerbaijan and the increase of the country’s economic power thanks to President Ilham Aliyev’s successful policy and reforms. Extensive information is given about the transformation of Azerbaijan from an energy importer into an exporter, development not only in the oil and gas sector but in other areas of industry, partnership with Russia and other countries.         

The magazine, which mainly features economic and social topics, has also published an article dedicated to Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University – “ASOIU – a university that realizes students’ dreams”. Detailed information is given about the reforms carried out at ASOIU and the history of the university. It is noted that a dynamic development was observed in all areas at ASOIU in the academic year 2017/2018 and that the university conducts training in English. The author of the article notes that at this university with indigenous traditions which prepares professional staff in the oil and industry sector of Azerbaijan, fundamental scientific research is conducted in different areas and startup projects supporting innovative ideas are developed. The article also informs about ASOIU’s international relations. It is noted that ASOIU cooperates with more than 100 universities in over 50 countries worldwide.
