

News 25 Jul 2018
French expert – UFAZ admission exam was successfully implemented

UFAZ recruitment exam was implemented professionally and successfully, stated Pierre Collet, scientific expert of the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ) under Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). The expert said there were all necessary conditions to ensure that students sit for the exam comfortably and without any obstacles. He stressed that the French side was very content with the course and organization of the exam.

“All the questions and the exam process overall are assessed by French professors. The exams are also held in line with the program of the University of Strasbourg.”

Pointing out the great support of the Ministry of Education to UFAZ, Pierre Collet also praised ASOIU’s constant attention to their requests. “Since these exams are different from standard ones, admitted students are very educated and talented, just like UFAZ wants them to be,” – he said.

The expert emphasized that students admitted to UFAZ are well-educated and have a broad outlook. He expressed great satisfaction that such students choose UFAZ.

Pierre Collet said UFAZ chooses the best students in Azerbaijan, which is the vivid example of the importance that the country attaches to education.
