

News 27 Jul 2018
FIBAA publishes information on accreditation of five programmes at ASOIU

In October 2017, FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation) – one of the recognized accreditation agencies in Germany and Europe – carried out a Programme Accreditation in Azerbaijan for the first time. FIBAA Project Manager Vera Kassler supervised the procedure at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) in Baku.

ASOIU was founded in 1920 and offers Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes, as well as Ph.D. programmes. The university is based in Baku, which is located within a petroleum production area and has a significant oil port.

Currently, 9,000 students are enrolled at the state university, and 1,000 employees are employed in research, teaching, and administration. In total, nearly 140,000 students at seven faculties completed their studies at the university.

Azerbaijan’s economy is based on the gas and oil industries, therefore, many degree programmes are designed to serve the needs of this industry. FIBAA examined five degree programmes in total. Some of them were developed in cooperation with other universities. The contact persons from the university were not only courteous but also endeavored that the experts gain a good impression of the university and the degree programmes. This created a very pleasant and productive atmosphere.

During the site visit, the experts were positively surprised by the student’s English level. Good English skills are of great importance to future graduates. The experts got the impression that the students would like to successfully complete their studies to be able to make a future career in Azerbaijan or abroad. The university was able to give the experts and the FIBAA Project Manager an insight into the culture of Azerbaijan and left a very good impression.
