

News 31 Jul 2018
Famous French journalist Véra Baudey visits UFAZ

On July 30, while in Baku for the first time, the French journalist Véra Baudey, founder of Winner and WinnArt magazines, visited the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ).

She got acquainted with UFAZ premises, including chemistry and physics laboratories, as well as the study and conference halls and material and technical base. UFAZ Director, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov and Secretary General Charlotte Payen gave comprehensive information about the education conducted at the university and the quality of French Higher Education system in Sciences.

Véra Baudey has gained vast experience in radio correspondence while working in Italy, Russia, and Germany. She had also collaborated with many publications and magazines before she actually created her own “Winner” and “WinnArt” magazines.

Winner magazines highlight success stories and outstanding achievements in various fields and topics.
