

News 16 Aug 2018
UFAZ announces call for applications for transfer of ASOIU students

The French-Azerbaijani University (UFAZ) functioning on the basis of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) announces admissions for ASOIU students in the academic year 2018/2019 for the following paid Bachelor degree programs:

- Chemical engineering

- Geophysical engineering

- Computer science

- Oi and Gas engineering.

The number of admissions will be limited according to the spaces available.

ASOIU students who wish to get transferred to UFAZ on paid basis in Year 1 (Y1):

1. should download the UFAZ application form here.

2. should send the form and the required documents to admissions@ufaz.az until 24 August 2018.


Selection process

After receiving approval upon registration, candidates have to pass a multiple choice question (MCQ) examination in English. This MCQ will be testing the scientific knowledge of the applicant. 

The successful candidates will have an individual interview of 15 minutes in early September. This interview may be face-to-face or through video conference.

*To be interviewed candidates have to obtain the minimum grade of 12/20 at the MCQ examination.


Term of registration: 6-24 August 2018

Examination date: week of 3 September 2018

Interview date: week of 3 September 2018

Final confirmation and registration for the selected candidates will be until 7 September 2018. 


For registration, examination and consultations:

183 Nizami str. Baku (French-Azerbaijani University)


+(994) 12 599 00 74 

E-mail: admissions@ufaz.az
