

News 16 Aug 2018
Head of Apparatus of Ministry of Taxes Nazim Samadov visits ASOIU and UFAZ

Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli met on August 14 with Head of Apparatus of the Ministry of Taxes of the Republic of Azerbaijan Nazim Samadov. Executive Director of the French-Azerbaijani University (UFAZ), Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov also attended the meeting.

Expressing satisfaction with welcoming the guest at the university, Rector, Professor Babanli informed about the history of ASOIU, teaching procedure, programs, international relations, foreign students, etc. Rector Mustafa Babanli emphasized that the university, besides Oil & Gas, is specialized in Economics, Power Engineering, Information Technology and other fields. He then talked about the French-Azerbaijani University functioning on the basis of the university.

Expressing his gratitude to the Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanlı for his sincere welcoming, Nazim Samadov later came to the French-Azerbaijani University. Mr. Samadov got acquainted with the UFAZ premises, including chemistry and physics laboratories as well as the study and conference halls and material and technical base. UFAZ Executive Director, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov gave comprehensive information on the education conducted at the university, programs, teaching methodologies, students and the quality of French Higher Education System in Sciences.

Notably, Nazim Samadov is also a graduate of the University of Strasbourg and is one of the three Azerbaijanis in the history of independent Azerbaijan that defended his doctoral dissertation at the University of Strasbourg (former Marc Bloch) in 2006.
