

News 12 Sep 2018
ASOIU holds final meeting of international conference on “Energy of the Future: Challenges and Opportunities”

The closing ceremony of the international conference on “Energy of the Future: Challenges and Opportunities” was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) on September 12.   

Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli thanked everyone for their efforts in organizing the conference. Highlighting the great significance of topics discussed, opinions shared and results achieved in panel sessions for the field of energy, Rector Mustafa Babanli said such conferences are planned to be held in the future as well.

Moderator of the conference, Deputy Chairman of the State Agency on Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources Nurali Yusifbayli said the conference was organized quite well, and the guests left the university with good impressions.

Then, Head of Problems laboratory within the Faculty of Power Engineering, Associate Professor Fuad Mammadov read out the final text about the conference and presented the decision project to the audience.

Notably, the two-day conference consisted of the following sections: “Modern energy challenges”, “Renewable energy sources” and “Nuclear power”.
