

News 15 Sep 2018
The event on “Knowledge Day” was held in ASOIU

On September 15, an event dedicated to the commencement of the 2018/2019 academic year and the “Knowledge Day” was hosted at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industrial University (ASOIU).

The rector of ASOIU, professor Mustafa Babanli, the deputy and the professor of ASOIU Huseynbala Miralamov, the director of SOCAR Oil and Gas Research Project Institute Fakhraddin Ismayilov, as well as professors, teaching staff and students of the university, attended at the event.

The rector of ADNSU, Professor M.Babanli, congratulated the students on the occasion of “Knowledge Day” and announced the admission indicators of the 2018-2019 academic year.

Noting that 2866 students were enrolled to bachelor's and 601 to master’s degree the rector of the university, professor M. Babanli mentioned the rising of quantity and quality as well. Rector M.Babanli noted that compared to previous years the average score in admission reached to 447 points and 385 of bachelor’s degree students gained over 600 points, around 1082 scored over 500. Rector M. Babanli said that the most significant mission of the university is to provide high-quality education for the students admitted to ASOIU, noting that certain reforms are carried out in this direction. The director of "Oil and Gas Research Project " institute of SOCAR Fakhraddin Ismayilov congratulated students on "Knowledge Day" and wished them success in the education process. Noting that ASOIU is one of the most prestigious university in the country F.Ismayilov highlighted that the alumni of this university are working as highly-qualified specialists in various institutions of the country. MP, professor of ASOIU Huseynbala Miralamov wished the students success in the education process believing that they will benefit Azerbaijan as a skillful staff in the future. Afterward, the first-year students of bachelor's and master's degree admitted to ASOIU with highest scores received student cards and gifts.

