

News 19 Sep 2018
The rector of ASOIU met with the students of UFAZ.

On September 19 the rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), professor Mustafa Babanli met with the first-year students of the Azerbaijan-French University (UFAZ). Executive Director of UFAZ, associate professor Vazeh Asgarov and UFAZ Secretary General Sharlotta Payen also attended the meeting. Greeting and wishing students success in the new academic year the rector Mustafa Babanli also congratulated them on the occasion of becoming the new students of ASOIU and Strasbourg University. Noting that all kinds of condition for perfect education created at UFAZ, the rector also mentioned that the students should take advantage of this care and improve their knowledge. The rector M.Babanli noted that during the academic year each student will get a laptop that will play a major role to improve their knowledge. The rector Mustafa Babanli noted that during the academic year each student will get a laptop and this will play a major role to improve their knowledge. Speaking about the opening of the new laboratory corpus rector Mustafa Babanli noted that the latest equipment for developing of students will be used here. Rector noted that the students showing the best results at the end of the academic year will have 2 weeks visit to Strasburg university and recommended them to take advantage of this opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge. The Executive Director of UFAZ Vazeh Askerov said that the students will be provided with student cards of both ASOIU and Strasbourg University and stressed that they can benefit from the same privileges as the students of Strasbourg.

Later, the rector presented a student card and a laptop to Presidential grant holder Maryam Babayeva who entered to UFAZ with 695 points and Laman Jalilova and Kamran Ismayilzade showing the highest results in the internal exam of UFAZ.

In conclusion, the rector answered the questions of the students.
