

News 20 Sep 2018
Meeting with first-year students was held at ASOIU

On September 20 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held a meeting with the students of Faculty of Geological Exploration. ASOIU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev, Chairman of the Student Trade Union Committee (STUC) Namig Ganjayev and the Chairman of the Student Youth Organization Mugaddas Azizzade attended the meeting.

ASOIU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs A. Babayev congratulated the participants for becoming the new students of the university and wished them success in the education process Introducing the disciplines to the students of ASOIU, the Vice-Rector also talked about the works accomplished for the training of highly qualified and well-educated young people. Afterward, the Chairman of the Student Trade Union Committee (STUC) N. Ganjayev gave wide information to the students about the notable alumni of university, history, and qualifications. He talked about the “Ganjlik” song and dance ensemble, “Magnat” intellectual club, “Club of funny and resourceful people” (KVN), “ASOIU Debate Club” and sports clubs which enable the students to spend their spare time more productively. mentioning 12 types of sports clubs (football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, wrestling, judo, swimming, chess, checkers, etc.) N. Ganjayev invited the students to take an active part in the social activities and join the clubs functioning on the basis of the university. 

At the end of the event, the questions of students were answered.

