

News 24 Sep 2018
A startup tour called "From Idea to Business" was held in ASOIU

On September 24 a startup tour was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) organized by the Ministry of Transport, Communication and High Technologies, the Public Union of "Regional Development" of Haydar Aliyev Foundation and "Microsoft" within the framework of the project "From Idea to Business". Speaking about the functioning of "erazi Start" Startup and Innovation Centre for the development of the innovative ideas of the students at the ASOIU Q.Mammadov noted that the experts from  Israel, Ukraine, and other countries were invited here. Noting that 2 startup festival was held at ASOIU until now, Q. Mammadov highlighted that some of the projects of students have succeeded. The executive director of State Fund for Development of Information Technologies Elchin Zeynalov has informed the participants about the concept, goal, and targets of the project of "From Idea to Business". Stressing the development of the startup ecosystem with the attention and care of the country's leadership, Elchin Zeynalov noted that all conditions for young people have been created for the development of the startup. Noting that the great attention is paid to the development of startup ideas at ASOIU E. Zeynalov said that several projects of startup center have been financed by Fund until now. Informative session was held for the participants within the framework of the event. At the session, young people were trained the ways of preparation, discussion, and presentation of business projects, as well as forming of startup teams and ideas. Later, the competition was held among the teams formed by students. Each team has led by a mentor and prepared them for the competition. At the end, teams presented their ideas to the jury. Teams ranked 1st 2nd and 3rd places in the competition were rewarded.
